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Famous people of agro-town Putrishki

Valentina Semenovna Wachinskaya (Belarus. Valencia Semenarna Baczynska; b. January 12, 1922, p. Baciuty, Bialystok-February 16, 1985) - hero of Socialist Labor (1972)

Since 1949 - in collective farm " Russia "of the Grodno region: the field guide, since 1957 — the head of a production site, since 1976 — the foreman of field crew of educational and experimental economy" Prinemansky " of the Grodno agricultural Institute. The title of Hero was awarded for success in increasing the production and sale of agricultural products to the state.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR in the years 1963-1971


She was awarded two orders of Lenin (1960, 1972), the order "badge of Honor" (1957)


The name Valentina S. Wachinskaya named street in the village Putrishki Grodno region.

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Republic of Belarus, Grodno district, d. Ozery.

+375 29 781-63-22


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