In 1949, the villagers United in the collective farm(kolkhoz) in honour of Ponomarenki. In 1957-1975 he was the center of the collective farm "Russia". In 1980 the center of educational economy "Prinemansky".
The educational and skilled agricultural production cooperative "Putrishki" was founded on March 15, 1940 when the Council of People's Commissars of BSSR adopted the resolution on the organization on the basis of landowner manors of state farm. At that time the chief was the state farm "Stanislavovo".
In 1951 the farm "Stanislavove" was renamed the educational-experimental farm "Stanislavove" in February 1968 in the educational-experimental farm "Prinemansky", in January 1992, in the educational-experimental farm "Prinemansky", and only in June 2003, he acquires the status of training-skilled agricultural cooperative "Putrishki".
Since 1951 and till now "Putrishki" is educational and production base of the Grodno state agrarian University. Every year, students visit the farm during manufacturing practice, practical training, as well as assist in the harvest of grain crops, potatoes and fruits.
The cooperative has a very favorable geographical location. The administrative center of the economy is located about 5 km from the regional center - Grodno. This location is of great importance for the economy, because the railway station, the place of sale of products and processing enterprises are located at a close distance, which reduces the cost of transportation of products and accelerate the process of its implementation. Thanks to this arrangement in economy the fuel and lubricants, necessary spare parts and other materials are delivered in the shortest possible time that excludes a possibility of long idle time of equipment and the equipment because of breakage. Besides the road network connecting the territory of economy with the regional center is in good condition that does not create obstacles for active movement of vehicles. Agriculture specializes in the cultivation of elite seeds of grain crops, that uses for its own needs, as well as in a large number of implements to the farms of the area, region and Republic: as for the money, and in exchange for cornmeal.
Realization of elite seeds brings to economy rather big benefit, after all the price of them as a rule is 2-3 times higher, than forage grain. The cooperative grows factory sugar beet, maize for grain and silage, as well as other crops. Dairy and beef cattle breeding is quite developed at the present stage.
The organizational structure of "Putrishki" includes two , approximately the same size of agricultural land production: Putrishki and Kamennaya Roseta. 2 dairy farm, Putrishki and Zabolot are located on the territory of the agricultural production area located Putrishki, there are also Central warehouse and Central repair shop. One dairy farm-Kamennaya Rusota - three grain gardens and a repair shop are on the territory of the Kamennaya Rusota production site. Also the farm has a carport, utility, water management, oil economy and some other services.
The presence of two production sites in any case does not speak about their isolation, this division can even be called conditional, since during the most important works (cleaning, sowing, fodder harvesting) units work together, in every way helping each other and equipment, and workers.
The management and ideological asset of Putrishki annually carries out a number of measures to ensure the economically sustainable operation of the enterprise, the preservation of a stable moral and psychological situation in the team, the wider involvement of employees in cultural and sporting events.